The thought of imminent death … transforms our way of acting in a radical way, forcing us to become aware of the infinite value of each instant.
Hadot – What is Ancient Philosophy?
The Joyful Practice of Stoic Death Writing
Forthcoming in 2022.
Original artwork by Stella Sevastopoulos
About the book
Death-contemplation is an ancient practice that helps us de-clutter our minds and pay attention to what’s important right now. This way we live with joy and purpose in the present moment.
This book will guide you through 28-days of gentle, mindful meditation and writing on death. Along the way, you will experience the liberating and clarifying joy that comes with getting more comfortable with the idea of transcience.
If I had my life to live over again, I would form the habit of nightly composing myself to thoughts of death. … There is not another practice which so intensifies life.
Muriel Spark – Memento Mori